Nnembed pdf z-index problem

The problem is legacy version of ie give iframes a z index of infinity. The problem is that the pdf viewer in ie default acrobat is shown on top of all other components. Zindex requires an elements positioning to be either fixed, relative, or absolute. We should also make sure we understand how the various zindex rules relate to each other, and ensure that the values we.

It is similar to the flash movie problem with drop down navigation, and the solution is kind of similar too. Layering iframes using positioning and zindex datadial. Matthew wise has a really clever alternative solution which you should considerespecially if youre having trouble with my approach. When we have to add large zindex values, we should leave comments explaining why. This is because the zindex does not work with static positioning. If you wanna create dropdown menu and having a problem with z index, you can solve it by creating z indexes of same value z index. I was trying to render a youtube video on my page and on top of the video i wanted to place some div with some information but the youtube video being contained into an iframe wasnt letting me do that. The following are common css selectors that can be used in module and skin development.

When we have to add large z index values, we should leave comments explaining why. The problem is legacy version of ie give iframes a zindex of infinity. If you try to use zindex with internet explorer i hear this is a problem on both 6 and 7, you may have problems getting it to listen when firefox seems to handle zindex just fine the problem is a bug in ie which does not render zindex properly all of the time. In other words, the pdf file hides all popups, dialogs, etc. Zindex is a css property that allows you to position html elements in layers on top of one another. Hi blasto333, it sure seems to me to be an ie zindex problem the problem being ie and position. Hi blasto333, it sure seems to me to be an ie z index problem the problem being ie and position. I found documentation in another forum that there is a zindex bug in ie supposed to be older versions. Judging based on how many times this question has been asked, it is safe to say that this is the most common problem people have with the zindex function.

Note the lower the number the z index, the lower the priority it has in the stack. The menu code has to be below the other code or has to be parsed with javascript after the other iframe was rendered. This problem is caused by the flash movie player ignoring zindex and always putting its content on top this particularly applies to internet explorer, but can affect other browsers too. Upon looking in the endnote directory i noticed that the pdf. I had been trying to fix the same issue and my scenario was similar. Ive noticed that newly imported pdf s are not searchable. Mar, 2014 this problem is caused by the flash movie player ignoring z index and always putting its content on top this particularly applies to internet explorer, but can affect other browsers too. Addressing positioning and zindex issue in dotnetnuke 6. Having a solid understanding of the css foundation in dnn will help to speed up the process of building and troubleshooting for dnn websites. Xxx and do not have a position tag, then it does not work.

We should also make sure we understand how the various z index rules relate to each other, and ensure that the values we add are as large as necessary but no larger. The only way to truly solve this problem is to place an iframe on top of an iframe, so it has a zindex of infinity plus one. Many different workarounds for the z index bugs in ie surely you will find one here that works for you. You tube video appears in front of drop down menus etc. If you wanna create dropdown menu and having a problem with zindex, you can solve it by creating zindexes of same value zindex. It seems that no matter what i do, the zindex of the pdf object is just ignored. Every element in an html document can be either in front of or behind every other element in the document. The solution was effective enough for the client to be implemented on their site and saves the space that would otherwise be needed on the web page if there were 3 iframes positioned separately from each other. The only way to truly solve this problem is to place an iframe on top of an iframe, so it has a z index of infinity plus one. Pas evident a 1ere vue, mais les elements html sont crees en 3d. It appears so simple, so most developers dont take the time to read the rules. Many different workarounds for the zindex bugs in ie surely you will find one here that works for you. Oct 06, 2011 addressing positioning and z index issue in dotnetnuke 6.

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